Comparing the basic and extended Kalman filters

This notebook doesn't offer much in the way of explanation, but explores implementations of the basic and extended Kalman filters and compares them for different nonlinearities. This was made with Pluto.jl, the reactive notebook for Julia.

using LinearAlgebra, PlotThemes, Plots

System setup

nx = size(A, 1)
Q = 1e-2*I(nx)
4×4 Diagonal{Float64, Vector{Float64}}:
 0.01   ⋅     ⋅     ⋅ 
  ⋅    0.01   ⋅     ⋅ 
  ⋅     ⋅    0.01   ⋅ 
  ⋅     ⋅     ⋅    0.01
R = 1e-3*rand(ny, ny)
2×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.000148677  0.000727344
 7.94516e-5   0.000904293
ny = 2
C = 5*(2*rand(ny, nx) .- 1)
2×4 Matrix{Float64}:
 -3.83543   4.42741   -0.925343  -4.37376
  2.41531  -0.441565   3.63074   -4.21982
A = Tridiagonal([-.1, 0, 0], [.9, .9, .6, .01], [0.1, 0, 0])
4×4 Tridiagonal{Float64, Vector{Float64}}:
  0.9  0.1   ⋅    ⋅ 
 -0.1  0.9  0.0   ⋅ 
   ⋅   0.0  0.6  0.0
   ⋅    ⋅   0.0  0.01
function meas(x)
    C*x + R*randn(ny)
meas (generic function with 1 method)
function sim(T)
    X = zeros(nx, T)
    Y = zeros(ny, T)
    Y[:, 1] = meas(X[:, 1])
    for t in 2:T
        X[:, t] = A*X[:, t-1] + Q*randn(nx)
        Y[:, t] = meas(X[:, t])
    return X, Y
sim (generic function with 1 method)
X, Y = sim(500)
([0.0 -0.00304089532961092 … 0.021776565996900765 0.020161270145038598; 0.0 0.013148729172110036 … 0.043828185113484644 0.03892005610669178; 0.0 -0.002263357615255907 … -0.005985980156374349 -0.0057379214802191405; 0.0 -0.02347516203690685 … -0.017582460136818145 -0.005736983094668349], [-0.001224111468893593 0.17509465540588978 … 0.19266990282332822 0.12392340218887515; -0.0014190368765992151 0.07833241652533991 … 0.08526559564733202 0.0331403889946617])

Kalman filter

We'll return the predicted x trajectories $\hat{X}$ as well as the one-step-ahead output predictions $\hat{Y}$

function kf(Y)
    T = size(Y, 2)
    X̂ = zeros(nx, T)
    P = zeros(nx, nx)
    Ŷ = zeros(size(Y))
    Ŷ[:, 1] = C*X̂[:, 1]
    for t in 2:T
        # predict
        x̂₊ = A*X̂[:, t-1]
        Ŷ[:, t] = C*x̂₊
        P₊ = A*P*A' + Q
        # update
        K = P₊*C'*inv(C*P₊*C' + R)
        X̂[:, t] = x̂₊ + K*(Y[:, t] - C*x̂₊)
        P = (I - K*C)*P₊*(I - K*C)' + K*R*K'
        # Ŷ[:, t] = C*X̂[:, t]
    return X̂, Ŷ
kf (generic function with 1 method)
X̂, Ŷ = kf(Y)
([0.0 -0.007550090867988593 … -0.008219272435918894 -0.0035408422295270365; 0.0 0.012908496004416981 … 0.022709330945614732 0.023316376410793455; 0.0 0.0036250333583013146 … 0.012523457920984908 0.009973561966994776; 0.0 -0.021072065435554066 … -0.016467377387537237 -0.003724922391327674], [0.0 0.0 … 0.06658760545193752 0.10755724453634861; 0.0 0.0 … -0.003618258053732906 0.006206891556976631])
    yplots = []
    for i in 1:ny
        p = plot(Y[i, :], lw=4, label="y$i")
        plot!(Ŷ[i, :], label="ŷ$i", c=:white, linestyle=:dash)
        push!(yplots, p)
    plot(yplots..., layout=(ny, 1), link=:both, legend=true)
    xplots = []
    for i in 1:nx
        p = plot(X[i, :], lw=4, label="x$i")
        plot!(X̂[i, :], label="x̂$i", c=:white, linestyle=:dash)
        push!(xplots, p)
    plot(xplots..., layout=(nx, 1), link=:both)

Extended Kalman Filter

Let's set up a nonlinear system and see how the standard Kalman filter does.

Here, the nonlinearities are contained in $f$ and $h$:

$$x_{t+1} = f(x_t) + w \quad y_t = h(x_t) + v$$

function nlsim(T, f, h)
    X = zeros(nx, T)
    Y = zeros(ny, T)
    Y[:, 1] = meas(X[:, 1])
    for t in 2:T
        X[:, t] = f(X[:, t-1]) + Q*randn(nx)
        Y[:, t] = h(X[:, t]) + R*randn(ny)
    return X, Y
nlsim (generic function with 1 method)
expneg(x) = exp(-x)
expneg (generic function with 1 method)
σ(x) = 1 / (1 + exp(-x))
σ (generic function with 1 method)
x²(x) = x^2
x² (generic function with 1 method)
relu(x) = x > 0 ? x : 0
relu (generic function with 1 method)
dampsin(x) = sin(x)*exp(-x^2)
dampsin (generic function with 1 method)
nonlinearities = [cos, expneg, relu, σ, atan, x², dampsin]
7-element Vector{Function}:
 cos (generic function with 17 methods)
 expneg (generic function with 1 method)
 relu (generic function with 1 method)
 σ (generic function with 1 method)
 atan (generic function with 35 methods)
 x² (generic function with 1 method)
 dampsin (generic function with 1 method)
using Printf: @sprintf
function test_filt_nonlin(nlfunc, filt)
    ps = []
    for nl in nonlinearities
        f(x) = nlfunc in (:both, :f) ? nl.(A*x) : A*x
        h(x) = nlfunc in (:both, :h) ? nl.(C*x) : C*x

        X, Y = nlsim(100, f, h)
        pX = plot(X', lw=4, label="x")
        pY = plot(Y', lw=4, label="y")

        if filt == kf
            X̂, Ŷ = filt(Y)
        elseif filt == ekf
            X̂, Ŷ = filt(Y, f, h)
        X̃norm = @sprintf("%.2f", norm(X̂-X))
        Ỹnorm = @sprintf("%.2f", norm(Ŷ-Y))
        plot!(pX, X̂', linestyle=:dash, c=:white, label="x̂", title="nl=$nl, ||X̂-X|| = $X̃norm")
        plot!(pY, Ŷ', linestyle=:dash, c=:white, label="ŷ", title="||Ŷ-Y|| = $Ỹnorm")
        p = plot(pX, pY)
        push!(ps, p)
    plot(ps..., layout=(length(ps), 1), size=(1100, 200*length(ps)), plot_title="filter=$filt, nonlinearity in $nlfunc function(s)")
test_filt_nonlin (generic function with 1 method)

Standard Kalman filter on nonlinear systems

test_filt_nonlin(:f, kf)
test_filt_nonlin(:h, kf)
test_filt_nonlin(:both, kf)
using ForwardDiff: jacobian
function ekf(Y, f, h)
    T = size(Y, 2)
    X̂ = zeros(nx, T)
    P = zeros(nx, nx)
    Ŷ = zeros(size(Y))
    Ŷ[:, 1] = h(X̂[:, 1])
    for t in 2:T
        # predict
        F = jacobian(f, X̂[:, t-1])
        x̂₊ = f(X̂[:, t-1])
        Ŷ[:, t] = h(x̂₊)
        P₊ = F*P*F' + Q
        # update
        H = jacobian(h, x̂₊)
        ỹ = Y[:, t] - h(x̂₊)
        K = P₊*H'*inv(H*P₊*H' + R)
        X̂[:, t] = x̂₊ + K*ỹ
        P = (I - K*H)*P₊
    return X̂, Ŷ
ekf (generic function with 1 method)

EKF on nonlinear systems

test_filt_nonlin(:f, ekf)
test_filt_nonlin(:h, ekf)
test_filt_nonlin(:both, ekf)
import CairoMakie as CM
using DataFrames, AlgebraOfGraphics
df = let
    df = DataFrame(nonlinearity=[], where_nonlinear=[], X_pct_impvmt=[], Y_pct_impvmt=[])
    for nl in nonlinearities
        for nlfunc in (:neither, :f, :h, :both)
            for i in 1:10
                f(x) = nlfunc in (:both, :f) ? nl.(A*x) : A*x
                h(x) = nlfunc in (:both, :h) ? nl.(C*x) : C*x
                X, Y = nlsim(100, f, h)
                X̂kf, Ŷkf = kf(Y)
                X̂ekf, Ŷekf = ekf(Y, f, h)
                X̂norm_kf = norm(X̂kf-X)
                Ŷnorm_kf = norm(Ŷkf-Y)
                X̂norm_ekf = norm(X̂ekf-X)
                Ŷnorm_ekf = norm(Ŷekf-Y)
                X_pct_impvmt = (X̂norm_kf - X̂norm_ekf)/X̂norm_kf
                Y_pct_impvmt = (Ŷnorm_kf - Ŷnorm_ekf)/Ŷnorm_kf
                push!(df, (nameof(nl), nlfunc, X_pct_impvmt, Y_pct_impvmt))
nonlinearity where_nonlinear X_pct_impvmt Y_pct_impvmt
:cos :neither 1.20276e-16 0.0
:cos :neither 0.0 1.19739e-16
:cos :neither 0.0 0.0
:cos :neither 0.0 2.16932e-16
:cos :neither 0.0 0.0
:cos :neither 0.0 -1.14757e-16
:cos :neither 0.0 0.0
:cos :neither 0.0 0.0
:cos :neither 0.0 0.0
:cos :neither 0.0 0.0
:dampsin :both 0.00232537 0.00236478
    # axis = (width = 225, height = 225)
    plt = data(df) * AlgebraOfGraphics.histogram() * mapping(:X_pct_impvmt, layout=:where_nonlinear) * mapping(stack=:nonlinearity, color=:nonlinearity)
    CM.with_theme(CM.theme_dark()) do

Looks like EKF does often help when there are nonlinearities, as expected.

Kyle Johnsen
Kyle Johnsen
PhD Candidate
Biomedical Engineering

My research interests include applying principles from the brain to improve machine learning.